上传日期:2006-07-29 14:25:41
说明: 第一章 RAID知识介绍2
1.1 RAID0:条带化2
1.2 RAID13
1.3 RAID0+13
1.4 RAID54
第二章 RAID的实现5
第三章 RAID卡原理6
第四章 Mylex Accele352 RAID 卡设置与使用9
4.1 Mylex Accele352 RAID卡简介9
4.2 RAID卡配置方法9
4.3 RAID阵列的管理10
第五章 Adaptec3200s RAID卡13
5.1 Adaptec3200s RAID卡简介13
5.2 RAID卡配置方法13
5.3 RAID阵列的管理14
第六章 Adaptec2100s RAID卡17
6.1 Adaptec2100s RAID卡简介17
6.2 RAID卡配置方法17
6.3 操作系统安装18
6.4 RAID阵列的管理24
(first chapter RAID knowledge 1.1 introduced two slot : bands of RAID13 1.3 2 1.2 13 1.4 RAID0 RAID54 Chapter II RAID the realization 5 2.1 2.2 software RAID5 hardware RAID5 third chapter RAID card Principle 6 Chapter IV Mylex Accele352 RAID card set with the use of 9 4.1 Mylex Accele3 52 RAID card brief RAID card 9 4.2 9 4.3 Configuration management RAID arrays 5th Chapter 10 Adaptec3200s RAID cards 13 5.1 Adaptec3200s RAID card Introduction 13 RAID card 5.2 13 5.3 Configuration management RAID arrays 14 of Chapter VI Adapt ec2100s RAID card Adaptec2100s RAID 17 6.1 17 6 briefing cards. two RAID card configuration installation of the operating system 17 6.3 18 6.4 RAID array management 24)