开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2004-08-20 10:37:38
说明: 本软件是由作者经过数字图像处理课程的学习,采用vc++.net将其基本算法实现,其算法主要包括: 1.点运算(灰度直方图,直方图均衡处理,线性运算,二值化,灰度化等) 2.几何运算(旋转,放缩,镜像,平移) 3.几何空间增强(均值,中值滤波器,k近邻均值,中值滤波器,Roberts,sobel,priwitt,laplacian,wallis锐化算子等) 4.频率域增强(基2FFT进行空间域到频率域的转换,高斯,理想,巴特沃斯高低通滤波器) 5.形态学(膨胀,腐蚀,开,闭运算,边缘提取) 6.图像复原(加躁)----- 由于时间关系这部分为完成 7.另外加上一个用于读取24位dib的类。
(the software is the author of Digital Image Processing courses of study, using vc. Net to its basic algorithm, the algorithm include : 1. Point Operators (histogram, histogram equalization, linear operation, two values, such as Gray) 2. Geometric Operational (rotation, scaling, mirror and translation) 3. geometric space enhancement (mean, median filter, k neighbors Mean, Median Filter, Roberts, segmentation, priwitt, Laplacian, Wallis Sharpening operator, etc.) 4. frequency Domain Enhancement (radix 2 FFT space frequency domain to the domain conversion, Gaussian, ideals, Butterworth High-Low Pass Filter) 5. Morphology (expansion, corrosion, open and close operations, edge extraction) 6. Image Restoration (plus impatient Hoffmann because of the time this is completed seven. Added to read fo)